Foxdale School

A happy, safe and inclusive school at the heart of the community, where pupils are empowered to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.

Year Six- PSHE & RSE Planned curriculum coverage

This will be delivered by Mr Clague

Knowledge and Skills

Family and Relationships

Autumn 1

Learning: to resolve conflict, through negotiation and compromise; about respect, understanding that everyone deserves to be respected and about grief

Health and Wellbeing

Autumn 2

Learning about diet, oral hygiene, physical activity and the facts around immunisation. Exploring rest and relaxation and how they affect physical and mental health. Strategies for being resilient in challenging situations and planning for long-term goals

Safety and the Changing Body

Spring Term

Learning about: the reliability of online information, the changes experienced during puberty, how a baby is conceived and develops, the risks associated with alcohol and how to administer first aid to someone who is choking or unresponsive.

Summer 1
Learning about: human rights, food choices and the environment, caring for others, recognising discrimination, valuing diversity and national democracy
Economic Wellbeing

Summer 2
Explore choices related to navigating feelings about money, keeping money safe, managing finances in secondary school, understanding the risks of gambling, considering careers in various workplaces, and identifying the paths to pursue different careers.

Summer 2
Two lessons on the theme of personal identity and body image

Summer 2
Helping pupils prepare for the transition to secondary school, including exploring any worries or anxieties they may have

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PSHE and RSE Curriculum

At Foxdale School we are committed to supporting our pupils in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding which they need to lead healthy, confident and independent lives now and in the future. A key part of this is our PSHE and RSE curriculum. W…

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