Foxdale School

A happy, safe and inclusive school at the heart of the community, where pupils are empowered to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.

Year Five- PSHE & RSE Planned curriculum coverage

This will be delivered by Mrs Revere

Knowledge and Skills

Family and Relationships

Autumn 1

Developing an understanding of families, including marriage and what to do if someone feels unsafe in their family; learning that dealing issues can strengthen a friendship; exploring the impact of bullying and what influences a bully’s behaviour; learning to appreciate our individual positive attributes.

Health and Wellbeing

Autumn 2

Learning to take greater responsibility for sleep, sun safety, healthy eating and managing feelings; setting goals and embracing failure; understanding the importance of rest and relaxation

Safety and the Changing Body

Spring Term

Exploring the emotional and physical changes of puberty, including menstruation; learning about online safety, influence, strategies to overcome potential dangers and how to administer first aid to someone who is bleeding.

Summer 1
An introduction to the justice system; how parliament works; and the role of pressure groups; learning about rights and responsibilities, the impact of energy on the planet and contributing to the community
Economic Wellbeing

Summer 2
Learn to manage money, understand borrowing, be cautious online, challenge workplace stereotypes, and align interests with future careers.

Summer 2
Helping Year 5 pupils prepare for the transition to Year 6 and the opportunities and responsibilities this brings.

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PSHE and RSE Curriculum

At Foxdale School we are committed to supporting our pupils in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding which they need to lead healthy, confident and independent lives now and in the future. A key part of this is our PSHE and RSE curriculum. W…

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