Foxdale School

A happy, safe and inclusive school at the heart of the community.

Cornelly - Manx Fairy Tales. The Fairy Bridge
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Cornelly extended their learning in Manx Fairy Tales by visiting the Old Fairy Bridge in Kewaigue. We have been learning about maps and navigation, so used OS maps alongside digital Google Maps to navigate our way there. There was lots of discussions about the coincidence of the location of the bri…

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Foxdale Daily Mile
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"You can run, you can walk, You can can sing, you can talk, You must do it with a smile, It's the Foxdale Daily mile." Today, on Manx Fitness Day, we launched onto the playground to try and cover a mile. The playground was soon full of whoops and cheers. Then, before long heavy breathing and fast f…

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Isle of Man Fitness Day
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We will be walking/running around the playground for Isle of Man Fitness Day. Please send you child into school wearing sports clothes on Wednesday.

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"Yes! I've spelled "National" I can buy those sunglass now!" A strange thing to overhear, but not unsurprising in a school classroom. Children across the school have been getting to grips with a new online platform. We have launched Edshed to help with children's spelling, grammar and Maths. Users…

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Playtime Reading!
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Today the children enjoyed the reappearance of the Reading Suitcase! The super-huge suitcase is full of a great range of books which the children are free to enjoy during playtimes. It was just lovely to see them reading in the beautiful sunshine.

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Cronk Vane - Roadworks
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Cronk Vane took interest in the road works taking places immediately adjacent to the playground. Thank you to Manx Utlities for taking the time to talk to the children as they asked questions.

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Foxdale Post Office Saves The Day!
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Sometimes there are simple things that can stop us in our tracks. This week it has been elastic bands! While organising some reading books, we needed to keep them together. The school has been bereft of them. We looked high and low at several businesses, but we were saved by our local Post Office.…

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Super Reader Award!
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One conscientious and hard-working child in Cronk Vane was recognised this week for his devotion to reading at home and consistently trying his ultimate best with his reading in class. After a nomination from his teacher, he was awarded the coveted 'Super Reader' certificate from our wonderful Miss…

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